KeepScore: Compete, Keep Score

by Martini



KeepScore in all your competitions!COMPETITIONHost a competition for table foosball, table tennis or many other fun games. You name it.INVITEInvite your friends or colleagues to join your competition. For them its as simple as scanning your competition QR-code or send them your unique generated code which they can enter manually. Or add players manually that dont have a smartphone.ADD MATCHESPlay games IRL and enter the match results. The server will handle the calculations.1v1, 2v2 and even 1v2 is supported.RANK SYSTEMThe ranking system is based on the well-known multiplayer rank system ELO. It looks at the current rank of the players and determines the win-chance. Based on that a high player will earn less points against a low player but the low player can win a ton of points against the high player. This way the competition is always fair.STATISTICSLook at your own performance based on your last 7 ranking points to see the progress youre making.LEADERBOARDWin games to go up the leaderboard and become 1st place as THE BEST.FEATURES• KeepScore for competitions in table foosball, table tennis or other games• Invite friends or colleagues to join your competition• Use QR-code scanning to quickly join a competition• Enter match results for 1v1, 1v2 and 2v2 matches.• Gain or lose points based on the ELO ranking system.• Watch your statistics for your last 7 ranking points.• Fight your way up the leaderboard to become 1st place.